
Book collection

This collection currently comprises 13 500 volumes of books, bound editions of magazines, newspapers and proceedings, and old prints. The entire content of the collection may be browsed in the Verbis electronic catalogue, which can also be accessed in the library.

The composition of the collection stems particularly from the museum’s activities. The normal collection is therefore focused on professional literature in the fields of history, archaeology, art history, the natural sciences, nature conservation, mining, ecology and heritage care. Special attention is paid to obtaining literature on life in the Bruntál region, as well as in the former districts of Krnov and Rýmařov.

As a specific part of the Bruntál collections is made up of the unique forestry collection, the cook collection also contains a large number of titles on the topics of forestry, cultivation and logging techniques. The collection also includes general, language and specialised dictionaries and encyclopaedias.

Periodicals collection

Editions of regional newspapers (Vpřed, Region, Moravskoslezský den, Náš domov) and specialised journals (Vlastivědné listy, Zprávy památkové péče, Ochrana přírody, Lesnická práce, Vlastivědný sborník moravský, Časopis Slezského zemského muzea v Opavě, Zprávy Čs.společnosti botanické) are archived for a long time. Most periodicals are bound.

The library also strives to keep copies of periodical or non-periodical bulletins published by the individual municipalities in the region.

One important source of information are the bound volumes of the Bruntál newspaper Freudenthaler Zeitung, which was published in Bruntál from 1904 to the end of the Second World War.

Collection of manuscript works

As the library provides services to the general public - particularly secondary-school and university students – the collection includes an extensive series of diploma and bachelor’s theses and other student works.

Collection of old prints

The collection of old prints consists of books from the 16th - 19th century. They were mostly printed in European printing centres such as Vienna, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Auspurg, Wroclaw, Leipzig, Nuremberg, Munich, Prague, Olomouc, Brno and Jihlava. Most of the books contain religious themes. They include the writings of Voltaire, C.M. Wielands, travel books, books on military themes and economic and technological encyclopaedias. The most important work in this collection is undoubtedly Postila evengelická (Evangelical Postilla) from 1592, which Hynek Bruntálský Sr. of Vrbno had printed at Bruntál Chateau in the same year.

The collection also contains exhibition catalogues and promotional materials of regional enterprises, most of which no longer exist.